Saturday, February 12, 2011

Nap time

Ah...the boy is asleep. Time to catch up.

We've been busy, as always. Dad and Bobby returned from a whirlwind weekend at the Super Bowl in Dallas. They had a great time, and came back with all kinds of memorabilia including cowboy hats.

August is more interested than ever in animals and it's a constant barnyard chorus around here. My mom and I ran some errands together this morning and she bought him a toy horse and sheep at a little consignment shop in Sellwood.

His neigh-neigh's are morphing into "no-no's" more and more, as he imitates what we say constantly to Queets...

Even though it's still winter, our summer plans are shaping up. I'm giving a keynote talk at an event in Jackson, WY in early June, so we'll plan some fun around that. In late June, we're meeting up with Joy and family in Montana. Coyote Roadhouse cabins - love the fact that we can swim in the river. Plus it's close to Glacier Nat'l Park.

We're also trying to plan a family reunion on the OR coast in August (family reading this - how does the last week in August sound?)

Tomorrow, August and I are heading out to a friend's house on the Clackamas River. It's one of A's friends from daycare, and his mom and I have hit it off. They have a little farm, so A is going to be over the moon about real live goats, pigs, etc!


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