In late July we had one of our best vacations ever on the North Umpqua River in Oregon. Stayed at the Steamboat Inn. The river and trail were right out our back door. Swam multiple times a day. Hiked with the dogs. John fished. Saw friends and went to Crater Lake. So relaxing, such a beautiful place. And some excitement on the last day - a major forest fire! Had to take a detour route on the way home, and they ended up evacuating the inn. I don't think any buildings were damaged - we'll be back there in a couple weeks, so we'll check it out.
We leave for the OR coast for a family vacation on Aug 20. After that we'll drive to the Steamboat, spend a night there (actually, it will be my birthday night!) then head to the Deschutes for a wedding.
Here are some N Umpqua pics I posted on facebook
...And some that John took of me on the river (one in color, one in BW). I'm about 7 months preg in these pics!

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