Our life is officially in whirlwind mode! I feel like we're juggling 600 balls, between the house, dr's appts, baby planning, dogs, travel, work, etc. But it's fine, because it's all hopeful, exciting stuff.
The house was listed on Saturday, and since then we've had people coming by and calling about it. We're having an open house this Sunday. Let's hope for some good offers!
Our first childbirth class was last night. We're taking it with Penny Simkin, a woman who has been on the frontlines of midwifery and women's health for decades. She's wonderful, and the class and everything we talked about made me even more excited about this time in our lives.
I'm playing with the idea of switching to a different midwife practice b/c there's another one I consistently hear great things about. Not that there's anything wrong with where we are now, I just want to have the best experience possible. We'll see. And hey, what's one more thing on the to-do list!
Skeena continues to be the best little puppy we've ever seen. She is so good, so easy, so happy and confident. And she and Queets are best buds these days. The game usually morphs into Queets chewing on the toy/bone and Skeena jumping on and barking at him. On Friday she gets her stitches out from getting spayed. That hasn't slowed her down one bit. The day after the surgery she was barreling around the house.
I can't believe that next week John and I leave for vacation. We're heading to the North Umpqua River in Oregon. We'll be gone for about a week - will be so great to get away, swim in the river, hike the trails and explore cool waterfalls. John is excited to take Skeena fishing for the first time. We're staying at a great inn on the river - John has gotten to be friends with the owners through work. No cell or email service!
This summer is flying by, as always. Amazing that July 30 will be our 5-year wedding anniversary!
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