Saturday, June 27, 2009

Summer fun

I survived the trip to DC, and it's great to be home! After DC I spent Father's Day weekend in NC- my parents and I went to the beach. Still managing to squeeze into my regular bathing suit...

John is in Oregon for work, but he got to go fishing one day -- he emailed me that he was "having a ball" hiking, fishing, taking photos along the North Umpqua. I'm so glad, he deserves it! He has been working so much, so this is great for him.

I took the dogs for a big walk to the beach this morning then took a nice long nap after lunch. Did some yard work and de-cluttering around the house to get it ready to put on the market. And, starting to prowl Craigslist for cheap baby stuff!

At the beach --

Skeena in the backyard, not sharing her bone with Queets --

Cherries I picked from our trees today! (Rainier and Bing - they are delicious!)

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