John left for his board meeting in Portland today. I'm working from home, enjoying having all the windows open. It's pretty warm here, but we have a nice breeze flowing through the house (hardly anyone in Seattle has A/C!)
Every time I think to upload new pictures, John is out of town with the camera -- still have some pics from Memorial Day weekend on there that we need to post. And we need to take another belly shot, I'm getting bigger by the day!
Sleeping has become a tad bit more challenging (moving from side to side, trying to position pillows) and yesterday I had my first case of pregnancy-induced acid reflux. All the fun side effects... But I really am feeling great, just trying to stay cool and wishing the pool was open on weekdays, not just weekends (weekday lap swim starts in a week or so).
I'm hoping this summer goes by nice and slow, relaxing, but it's already shaping up to be crazy. Work is busy, plus John and I both have work travel, fun travel, and the challenge of selling our house and moving. How will we find time for it all?! Oh yeah, and getting ready for the baby.
My across the street neighbor JoAnn is just a couple weeks further along than I am, and she has already picked out the exact crib, stroller, and high chair she wants. I'm thinking, high chair?! The kid won't use that for months! Why stress about it now? Oh, and a crib - well, we don't even have room for a crib, so forget that. But who knows, maybe we'll be in Portland before Sept 30 and our baby will have a big room of its own (wishful thinking!)
By the way, if anybody has recommendations on the best stroller, car seat, etc, I'm all ears...