This weekend we painted our bedroom. When we bought the house four years ago we went on a color spree, painting the bedroom "terracotta" with a "paprika" ceiling. It was fun, but we got tired of it. So now it's "durango dust" with a "butter pecan" ceiling (basically ivory, with a lighter ivory ceiling). Much better! I just talked to John and he stopped by the hardware store for paint for the closet doors. It's supposed to be some kind of pumpkin (not gross, and not "harvest" orange), for a splash of color. It will be a nice change, and if we end up selling the house and moving this summer/fall, it will spiff the place up nicely.
Ok, so now that my boring update is out of the way, Bobby got to test drive a bunch of awesome cars recently at the World Class Driving center. Here he is with the Lamborghini and another car. (Hmm, is that the same color orange as our new bedroom closet? I kind of hope not!)

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