Tuesday, January 22, 2008

More pics from east coast trip

While back east for Bunny's birthday, I got to see Joy at her old house in Montgomery Village, and new house in DC. Thanks to Joy for these pics!

On Dubois Court (Souers fam, Sara, Joy, and old friend/fellow North Creek Neptune Bridget Wood!)...

Sleepy Amy and Joy in an early morning pic at 831 Euclid...

Chrissy visited Joy just before I got there. I'm bummed I missed her!


jhg said...

Thanks for sharing!! Great to see all of the familiar faces! Wish I could have joined you!

KJC said...

Amy Souers! Karen (Lasky) Callen here. I came across your blog through Jennifer (Hargrave) Geric's blog. How are you? Where are you living these days? Check out my blog at: kjlfit.blogspot.com I'd love to be back in touch!

CMG said...

I'm so bummed I missed you too!!! Looks like you had a great time back east, though. Bunny looks fabulous for being 90!!! I still can't believe how much family resemblance there is on your mom's side of the family!