Thursday, August 9, 2007

Photos from Salmon River trip

Here are pics from the trip John and I did on the lower Salmon (the River of No Return), with friends from my office -- We floated for 62 miles (five days), putting in at Pine Bar near Cottonwood, Idaho and taking out at Heller Bar on the Snake River.

It was amazing, and a great way to celebrate our 3rd anniversary! (July 30 was the final day of the trip)

Camping at the put-in (John, Amy, Dave and Summer)

At the put-in

Amy and John

Lower Salmon --

Late afternoon sun on canyon wall --

Camp kitchen --


Ducky in a rapid --

John and Ross playing horse shoes at camp --

Celebrating three years!

Cooling off at camp (that's my back)

The lower Salmon's Blue Canyon, right before the confluence with the Snake --

Camp on the Snake --

Group photo --

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