I just got back from a trip to DC and NC. Had work meetings in DC Thurs and Fri, and saw lots of friends. I stayed with Joy and Jim, and Cheryl W came over for dinner. High school flashback!
The second night, Joy had back-to-school night (she's a math teacher! Wish, wish, wish I'd had a cool math teacher like Joy. Maybe I would have liked math) so I hung out with Matt and Renee and their sweet 15-month old Jake. On Friday after work I flew down to Raleigh, luckily avoiding the tornadoes. It was supposed to be a surprise for dad's belated b-day celebration, but he figured it out (hello, out-of-office email notice!)
We had a great weekend, centered, in our great family tradition, around wonderful meals and tennis. Dad and I went out for a sushi lunch while mom played her first tournament match on Saturday. Then we all had a great dinner at a new restaurant, 18 Seaboard. Dessert: molten chocolate cake with a heaping spoonful of toasted marshmallow fluff!
Sunday, dad and I froze watching mom play her early match in Durham. Sadly (luckily?) they lost, so the tournament was over and mom and I could go shopping!
Sunday night was a So-Ko dinner classic, "John's tuna" - John created the recipe at Wrightsville Beach several years ago. It involves making a spice/nut crust for the tuna. Very tasty.
Flew back to Seattle on Monday.