Poor Queets got bitten on the nose this morning by a mean dog. Really just a scratch, but it drew blood. Poor little guy. He's fine, but he likes to milk these kinds of things for all they're worth. He's cuddled up with John on the couch right now, watching football.
The big news of last night is that we're getting a drift boat! We've had our eye on these boats for a long time, and John had arranged a non-profit discount with the company, but then found an even better deal on Craigslist. He'll be able to use it for work, taking donors on little fishing trips. And of course we'll have lots of fun with it too. It's big enough for us, the dog, overnight gear (and a future kid or two!) So we have many river trips in our future. It's the best!

The plan is to drive to Bend, OR to pick up the boat on Tuesday, then do some floating/fishing on the Deschutes on Wed, then Wed afternoon we'll drive to Portland to meet the fam for Thanksgiving festivities. We'll all be in Portland through Sat night. I'm sure we'll do lots of walking and shopping (for Christmas, but also for houses -- my parents are looking at houses in Portland/Vancouver. And John and I are crossing our fingers that we can swing a move this spring/summer).
We are very grateful to Bobby and Sara for hosting Thanksgiving. Don't go overboard - just the basics!!
Speaking of food, I got the book "Skinny Bitch in the Kitch" at the used bookstore. Some people may find it offensive, but really it's just funny and irreverent. Their big thing is eating vegan (I'm not -- I could never give up cheese! -- but they have some good/healthy recipes). So, I'm going to make some muffins this afternoon, for tomorrow's breakfast. We'll see how they turn out.